Saturday, May 25, 2024

Wow, that was strong perfume

 Well, I just had a weird experience sitting outside in the backyard on my swing.  I was giving the hens some spinach and all of a sudden I started smelling really super strong perfume like somebody had doused themselves in perfume. There was nobody outside the house to the north of us or the house to the south of us there is nobody in the front so I’m wondering if it was mom? And it wasn’t just one of those really quick smells.  This hung around for a good minute or so.  All I can tell you is the perfume WAS STRONG and was not very floral.  It kinda reminded me of something mom might have used, but she never doused herself in perfume that strongly, to my memory.  It gave me a headache!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Shadow Man. 12/04/2022

 This is actually Dave's story.

Dave got off work early this morning he was home about 3:30 this morning he went to the backyard and was fixing the tarp over the duck pen. Something caught his eye and he looked and there was a very tall very thin gray kind of a smoky shadow that walk from the garage to the back of the yard he said it freaked him out and the Ducks had been quacking at him and they shut up and he said he grabbed his keys out of his pocket and he came and left the back door came inside locked the door then he told me about and we've both been kind of freaking out the rest of the morning

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Who left the seat up??

 So Thursday night 8/26/22 Friday morning sometime after 1:00 a.m. when I went to bed and 5:00 a.m. when I woke up to go to the bathroom someone went into my bathroom put up the seat and the lid and did not set it back down I asked Dave about it and he came upstairs Friday afternoon when he finally got up and he said no he doesn't use my bathroom but she normally doesn't. So anyway I come out of the bathroom and I go to sit down on my chair to turn the TV on and watch TV for a little bit and my car keys are sitting smack dab in the middle of my chair. So someone was messing with me Thursday night Friday morning don't know if it was Jeff or Mike or who was it?

Monday, February 22, 2021

Who was stomping on the stairs? 2/18/2021

 Dave and I were down in his cave in the basement, talking.  It was approximately 3:30in the morning.  We were reminincing about our high school yers.  I was telling Dave about how Grants Pass High School was an open campus school, that had 2 lunch periods.  4th period was typically used for freshmaen and sophmores, while 5th period lunch was for the juniors and seniors.  

As I was telling Dave about how I was in band, and band class was held 4th and 5th periods, the band director would keep have the class during 4th and the other half 5th.  Well I was in the part that met during 4th period, so had lunch with the upper classmen.

Dave was just starting to tell me about his high school, when we hear someone stomping down the wooden stairs into the basement. We looked at each other and jumped up and ran out of his cave into the laundry room.  There was no one there.  Dave ran up the stairs, I followed more slowly.  While Dave checked all the rooms, I checked the alarm, it was set.  I also checked the front and back doors, they were both locked and closed.  All the windows were closed.

I follwed Dave down the stairs.  It dawned on me that the two of us were not making nowhere near the noise we heard.  When Dave hit the basemen floor, I decided to stomp on the last step.  Dave and I both agreed, what we heard was definitely someone stomping on the stairs.  

I asked Dave if he thought it could have been Jeff stomping on the stairs.  Dave replied, he wasn't going to ask Jeff.  I'm just happy that I had a witness to one of Jeff's escapades.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

To sigh or not to sigh 2/11/2021

About 4am, my stomach woke me up, growling like crazy.  Since I had gone to bed last night without eating dinner, I wasn't surprised.

I got up and went into the kitchen.  Looked in the fridge to see if there was any pizza left over.  Luckily Dave did not eat it, so I went to the cupboard to get a plate.  As I was reaching for the plate, I heard a sigh in my left ear.  It definitely was a man's sigh.  Since I could hear Dave snoring away in the bedroom, knew it wasn't him.  So it had to have been Jeff sighing.   I then said hi to Jeff.  Haven't heard anything else from him

Thursday, April 9, 2020

4/09/2020 Strange things happening this week

Things have been fairly quiet last few years.  Have had a few things happen, but never got them blogged.

On Monday April 6, 2020 at 10:31pm, I  got a notification of movement at the front door.  The Ring Doorbell Camera recorded a short video.  There is a shadow that passed from left to right, it is at the very beginning of the video.  Well, I got the same notification numerous times thrughout the night.  Same thing on each video.
The strangest thing though, was the notification from MetroMile Ins.
"Metromile telematics
Trip detected in progress."
I have never gotten anything like that before from MetroMile.

Tuesday night was quiet

Wednesday, April 8, 2020.  The shadow is back.  Not sure what is going on.  I aslo got another notification from MetroMile.  The same one as Monday night.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My Dad

Late on the night of April 18, 2016, I received a phone call from my sister Linda. She was calling to let me know that dad had past away. Since it was so late, I decided to head down to Grants Pass the next day.

I made it down to Grants Pass and to dad's house. Unloaded Zoey and Little Ninja. Then Diane, Linda and I did what we could, getting stuff together.

That night, Tuesday the 19th, Zoey, Ninja and I were in bed. We were the only ones in the house. Well I started hearing what sounded like footsteps out in the living area. I grabbed my cell and typed in 911 just in case but did not press send.  The three of us went searching for the cause of the noise we all heard.  There was no one in the house.  I double checked. The doors and windows were all locked. Took a long time to fall asleep.

On Wednesday evening I had gone over to Diane's to watch the new Star Wars movie. We were about halfway through the movie when something shiny caught Diane's attention. In the middle of the floor was a clear marble. We have no idea where this marble could have come from. It was clear with air bubbles.  Diane does have a dish where she does put marbles she has found on the property. Those marbles are all old, all well over 60 years. Cats eye and Aggie's. And we know those belonged to our cousins when they were young. We have no idea about this marble.

Later that same night, Zoey, Little Ninja and I had gone to bed. Again, I am almost asleep. I'm laying in bed wondering if I will hear footsteps tonight. All at once I hear noises coming from my parents bedroom. Things are being moved around. And none to gently from what I'm hearing.i again grab my cell, dial 911 but don't press send, and the 3 of us barge into mom and dad's bedroom. Again, just like the night before, there was no one there. The window was closed and locked. They would have had to push past me and the animals to get out of the room.

On Thursday Jerry flew in and Diane and I went to Medford to pick him up. We stayed up late talking. I did tell Jerry about the footsteps and noises. I'm not sure if he believed me or not. Neither of us heard any strange noises.

Friday was dad's funeral. After an exhaustive day, I did not want to go out to eat with Diane and Jerry. Instead I went to bed and fell asleep. Well I do not know what woke me up, but once I was awake I realized I was hearing noises out in living area. I got up and went out thinking Diane and Jerry were back. Nope. Was just the animals and me. I was just getting ready to head back to bed when I saw headlights turn into the driveway. Told them about the latest noises.

Saturday and Sunday were pretty quiet. I didn't hear any noises. Monday night was Jerry's turn to experience the noises. It was late, I had gone to bed after 1am. Jerry said he had stayed up awhile longer playing games on his net book. Well he was sitting in the living room, which is connected to the dining room. Well he said he heard a chair being scooted on the linoleum floor, like someone walking from the kitchen bumped into a dining room chair on their way into the living room. He knew it wasn't me, as he hadn't heard me get up. And Zoey was sleeping at his feet.

After Jerry and I got home and talked the following weekend. We both felt like we had been drained of our energy. I know I have always gone home from visiting dad feeling drained. I really do think that house is full of negative energy. It took both of us almost a week to get our energy back.

Update: After Jerry read this entry he informed me he also heard the glass doors rattle on the big curio cabinet.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The attic 1/022016

I was freezing.  I kept turning the thermostat up.  Even had a fire going in the wood stove down in the basement.  I just could not get the house warm.  According to my digital thermometer that shows outside and inside temps, it was 56 degrees inside and 27 degrees outside.  I was freezing.  So I went to bed and put extra blankets on the bed.

I woke up at 3 am on the 3rd.  I got up and was heading to the bathroom.  Something made me look up.  Imagine my surprise when I saw what was causing the house to be so cold.  The entrance to the attic was all cockeyed.  The "door" is just a insulated piece of something that fits into the opening.  There is some Styrofoam on top of the board.  Well this board somehow got turned so it was vertical with openings on either side for the ice cold Arctic air to come down into the house.

There is no way that any of the cats could jump up and hit the "door".  The only way would be for Zoey to stand on her hind legs and have a cat stand on her head.  That cat would then need to stand on its hind legs.  The next cat would probably be able to jump up and hit the "door".  But I just don't see that happening.    

There had been a wind storm the day before, but it wasn't that bad of a storm.  In the 13 years I have lived here in this house,, none of the wind storms have ever caused this to happen.                                     

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Outpatient Surgery at Providence St. Vincent on 12/09/2015

On Wednesday, December 9, 2015, I had to have some work done to my eyes at the hospital.   While I was out in the lobby, I started feeling shaky.  So when the nurse came to check on me, I told her I was feeling pretty shaky.

She had just gotten a room ready for me, so she took me back.  Checked my sugars.  They were 106.  Not bad level at all.

So I had time to lay down on the bed and watch TV.  As I was laying there watching Home and Garden TV show on the Hallmark channel, I decided to take a little nap.  So I closed my eyes.

As soon as I closed my eyes I had this image of a man pop into my head.  I immediately opened my eyes, expecting to see someone in the room.  There was no one in the room with me.  I closed my eyes again, to see what happened.  The picture immediately popped back into my head.

This time I kept my eyes closed and studied the man.  I could see no facial features.  I guessed him to be of average height, but hard to judge as I was laying down and eyes were closed.  He was slender built, and had dark wavy hair.  I immediately thought of my friend, Mike ., who had passed away in 2012.

I decided if it wasn't Mike, then it was my Guardian Angel.  I eventually fell asleep.  When I woke up, I did not sense him.  They then came to prep me for surgery.  The surgeon was running behind, as one of the patients had complications. So it was late by the time he worked on my eyes.  Happy to say, that the procedure went according to text book and no my eyes are healing just fine.

A couple days after the procedure, I talked with Sarah K., Mike's widow.  I told her I thought Mike had visited me in the hospital.  She told me that she had told him to go watch over me while I was having the procedure done.  So I feel better knowing it was Mike, not some random ghost floating around tie hospital.  Even though I had told myself if it wasn't Mike, it was my Guardian Angel.  I knew right off the bat that it was not Jeff.  The man was way too calm to be Jeff.  Jeff would have been pacing the room for starters.  He would not be standing there, just watching over me.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

I had called dad.  While on the phone talking to him, I was walking around the living room.  I stopped and was looking into the junk room, where I have the kittens.  I described the kittens to dad.  He was amazed that I had a grand total of 9 cats and kittens in the house.  He swore that was way to many.  I agreed with him.  It is too many. But as I explained to him, I was taking care of the momma and kittens for a friend.

I turned 90 degrees from the doorway to the junk room and was facing my bedroom.  I stood in the doorway, just basically standing there talking with dad.  All of a sudden, the heater I have on the headboard, turned on by itself.  This heater was turned off.  I use the heater at night to get the chill out of the room before I go to bed.  

To turn the heater on, you press the power button.  There is no automatic thermostat to this heater so it cannot turn itself on and off.  I am wondering if Mike had came to visit and thought it was freezing in there as it is winter and he is a Cajun from Louisiana.  

I believe it could have been Mike, as he visited not too long ago.  I forgot to blog that visit.  I don't remember exactly when it was, but it was withing the last month or so.  I had been in bed, almost asleep.  All at once, I got a big whiff of campfire smoke.  The smell only lasted about 2 seconds.  Campfire smoke is Mike's calling card when he visits his family.