Monday, February 22, 2021

Who was stomping on the stairs? 2/18/2021

 Dave and I were down in his cave in the basement, talking.  It was approximately 3:30in the morning.  We were reminincing about our high school yers.  I was telling Dave about how Grants Pass High School was an open campus school, that had 2 lunch periods.  4th period was typically used for freshmaen and sophmores, while 5th period lunch was for the juniors and seniors.  

As I was telling Dave about how I was in band, and band class was held 4th and 5th periods, the band director would keep have the class during 4th and the other half 5th.  Well I was in the part that met during 4th period, so had lunch with the upper classmen.

Dave was just starting to tell me about his high school, when we hear someone stomping down the wooden stairs into the basement. We looked at each other and jumped up and ran out of his cave into the laundry room.  There was no one there.  Dave ran up the stairs, I followed more slowly.  While Dave checked all the rooms, I checked the alarm, it was set.  I also checked the front and back doors, they were both locked and closed.  All the windows were closed.

I follwed Dave down the stairs.  It dawned on me that the two of us were not making nowhere near the noise we heard.  When Dave hit the basemen floor, I decided to stomp on the last step.  Dave and I both agreed, what we heard was definitely someone stomping on the stairs.  

I asked Dave if he thought it could have been Jeff stomping on the stairs.  Dave replied, he wasn't going to ask Jeff.  I'm just happy that I had a witness to one of Jeff's escapades.

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