Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Beaudro's pain medicine 10/21/2013

Beaudro has a abscess on his left rear leg. I've been keeping his pain meds in the fridge as they told me to keep them refrigerated even though it doesn't say to on the bottle. So Monday morning, get up when the alarm goes off. Go into the kitchen. The bottle is not on the top shelf where I have been keeping it. I tear the fridge apart looking for it. It is a blue pill bottle with syringes filled with pain med. How hard can it be to find it? You'll never guess where I finally found it. In the sink in the bathroom. Mind you, I'd been in the bathroom. Brushed my teeth. Used the facility and washed my hands a couple times. The pill bottle was not there. Yet went into the bathroom to take a shower, and there was the bottle laying on its side in the bottom of the sink. And the bottle was cold to the touch like I'd just pulled it out of the fridge.

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