Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ghostly happenings on my cross country trip 8/21/2014 through 9/03/2014

So here is everything that happened. At least everything I can think of.

I flew into Lafayette, LA on the 21st to spend a few days with my friend, Sarah. Well Friday night (8/22/14) after I went to bed, I couldn't sleep. So I was reading my Kindle.  All of a sudden I heard a strange noise. It sounded like someone had kicked something there in the room.  So I got up, and not waning to hurt my foot, put a shoe on. I then kicked my travel case.  That was close to the sound, but wasn't quite it.  So I kicked my suitcase.  Bingo.  That was the noise.  So since I had expected Jeff to follow me, I said "Hi Jeff, about time you showed up!"  The next day told Sarah about having someone kick my suitcase.  She insisted it was Mike.  As I was sleeping in his bedroom.  So the rest of my stay I said Goodnight Mike when I went to bed.  I didn't hear anything else from Mike.

On Wednesday the 27th Jessi and I spent the night in Junction City.  The next morning we back tracked to Ft. Riley as we both thought it would be neat to go through the Calvary Museum and The Custer House.  Ft Riley is a pretty neat place The buildings are fascinating.  We explored the Calvary Museum and talked to the lady in the gift shop.  Jessi asked her if there were any known ghosts.  She said she hadn't had any personal experiences but the gal that worked on the weekend had had some.  So Jessi told her that her brother, my deceased husband, was haunting me.  So I had to give a couple examples.  I told her about him hiding the keys under the stack of sympathy cards and the time he had placed them up next to the front door after I had left for work using the spare keys.   Also mentioned that he kicks my bed every night, just like he used to when he thought I had been sleeping too long for my nap.

So we left the museum and tried to drive to the Custer House.  They had the road blocked as they had something going on at the Parade Ground. (graduation?) So we drove around a few minutes looking at the buildings then we left and headed to Denver.

Well, unbeknownst to us, we picked up a hitchhiker.  Had to have been a soldier.  As we were driving through Kansas, all of a sudden something hit my right calf and traveled down to my foot.  I took my seat belt off and looked and searched but could not find anything at all.  My purse was down next to my feet but the straps were both facing away from me, facing towards the engine.  I told Jessi and just as I was telling her she felt something tickle her on her left knee.  Well this entity stayed with us and played with our legs until the night before we left Denver.  The night before we left Denver, it grabbed my foot and I freaked out.  I told it then that his leave was about up and he needed to head back to Ft. Riley.  He did not want to get into trouble for being AWOL. Nothing more from him.

On Friday the 29th  we  headed up to Georgetown to see Scott, Nina and Reuben.  They took us out to lunch at a old ghost town of Silver Plume.  Most of the buildings were uninhabitable it looked like.  There was a cute little tea room they go to all the time.  Very good food.  Well Scott was sitting on the end.  I was on his right, Reuben on my right.  Jessi was on his left across from me and Nina was across from Reuben.  Well we were the only ones in there.  The waitresses were in the kitchen area.  All at once something or someone poked me in my back.  I know it wasn't Scott as he was using his right hand to eat with.  Reuben would have had to have gotten out of his chair and taken a couple steps to have poked me.  I know it wasn't Jessi or Nina or either of the waitresses or the cook as I could see all of them where I was sitting.  I even turned my head right after I got poked to see if someone had snuck up behind me.  No one was there that I could see.After we had left and we were on our way back to Denver, I asked Jessi if she had seen someone sneak up behind me and poke me.  She said no.  Nothing happened to her that she said.

Nothing played with our legs or feet the rest of the trip as i had sent the soldier home.  However, Sunday, & Monday nights something would shake our beds.  I am guessing it was Jeff who caught up to us. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Strange happenings at the neighbors

The evening of 7/23/2014 I was visiting my neighbor Doug.  I was getting ready to go back home when David, another friend stopped by.

Doug had me show David the photos of the light streaks I'd taken the night before.  Freaked David out.  Then Doug and I started telling David some of the strange happenings that have been going on here at home.  When David had got to the point where he was really freaking out Doug and I stopped.  David went into the kitchen to get a glass of tea then went into the "man cave" to smoke a cigarette.  David had no sooner left the living room when the front door opened.  This door does not creak when it is opened.  However, this time the door creaked opened and there was no one there on the outside of the door.  Since I was closest I hopped up and looked outside.  There was no one there. I turned and looked at Doug and he looked at me. Doug asked me if I thought it was Jeff.  I said most likely.  I then said "Come on in Jeff" jokingly.

Doug and I both agree that the front door was securely closed.  I then went and asked David if he had noticed whether the door was closed completely or not.  He agreed that the door was closed completely.  David didn't take the news too well about the door opening by itself.

New Hair Cut

I got my hair cut on 7/22/2014.  Later that night I was sitting on the couch and decided I should take a photo to send to Adele to show her my new cut.

So I grabbed my cell phone, turned the camera on and snapped a photo.  Turned the camera around so I could see the photo.  Strange.  There was a streak going across my face.  So I turned the camera back on and took another photo.  Looked at that photo and there was another streak, but this time it was lower down, not directly across my face like the first photo.  So I took a third photo and there was no streak on this one.  I took all 3 photos in less than a minute.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Somebody's knocking on the front door at 4 AM on 6/26/2014

Interesting. There was a knock at the front door. Zoey heard it too. She started barking. Since I was already in the living room only took me a few seconds to get to the door and open it. I grabbed the gun first. Imagine that. There was no one there. Zoey took off outside and could not find anyone. Wonder if it was Jeff?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Naked legs

I woke up with some wicked heartburn.  I got up and took some Alka Seltzer.  While waiting for it to work its magic I went out to the living room.  I turned the light on and sat down on the couch.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed bare male legs walking from the living room to the kitchen.  My first thought was it was Sam, my nephew who has moved in with me while he is going to college.  But as I turned my head there was no one there.  That is when it dawned on me I only saw legs, no feet, no torso.  Just calves, knees and thighs.  Had to have been Jeff.  He always lounged around the house in the nude.  He liked to be comfy.  Also, Beau went running towards the kitchen then stopped, and looked at me like he was wanting to know where Daddy had gone to.  So I am pretty sure Beau saw him.