Thursday, August 22, 2013

Check books and dollars


Well I decided I had better pay some bills.  I do enjoy having electricity and water.  No they were not late.

So anyhow, I grabbed my checkbook and opened it up.  Imagine my surprise when I found a dollar bill.  It is no normal bill, wadded up and shoved into the checkbook.  No.  This bill has been folded up just like the 20.00 bill I found several months ago.  Also, this bill was placed in the middle of the checkbook, where the next check to be written was.

So yesterday, 8/21/2013, I talk to Sarah K.  She said she removed the chair cushion on her rocker chair and she found 2 one dollar bills folded the exact same way.

So what I want to know is why is Jeff leaving one dollar bills when he used to leave twenties?  Is he broke? Or are the ones from Mike?  What are they trying to tell us

Here is a photo of the bill Jeff left me.